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Alfa Romeo 110 I
1933 - 1948



The Alfa Romeo 110 I is an engine for small touring and training aircraft, developed in the early 1930s starting from the English de Havilland Gipsy Major engine. Approximately 500 units of it were produced until the end of the 1940s, in three construction series, in which various modifications and performance improvements were progressively introduced: the second version, known as the 110 bis, was produced from 1938 and the third one, the 110 ter1, in the postwar period. The engine has a simple construction layout, quite widespread in the category of small and medium power units: it has four inverted in-line cylinders, no supercharging system and no propeller speed reducer. Overall, the engine turned out to be very versatile, reliable and easy to maintain. Thanks to these characteristics it was used in many aircraft for long time.

Testi e immagini di Giuseppe Genchi
Sito realizzato da Pasquale Pillitteri