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Modello funzionante di un motoargano a vapore



The model on display represents a naval winch on a reduced scale. The mechanism is fully operating thanks to its double-acting twin-cylinder steam engine and is equipped with various control and drive systems, including the reversing mechanism, an auxiliary power take-off and a band brake. The model was created in 1959 as a didactic activity performed by the shipyard apprentices of the Cantieri Navali Riuniti in Palermo.

Technical specifications

ManufacturerC.N.R. (Cantieri Navali Riuniti, part of Fincantieri S.p.A.), II Corso Aggiustatori, Palermo, Italy, from 1958 to 1959
Descriptionfully working scale model of a winch driven by a 2-cylinder steam engine
Transmissionby spur gears with a reduction ratio of 16:1 between engine and roller, 4:1 between engine and auxiliary power take-off


This type of winch, driven by a steam engine, was used (in real dimensions) as on-board and shipyard device.


Kind donation of engineer Paolo Mercadante.

Testi e immagini di Giuseppe Genchi
Sito realizzato da Pasquale Pillitteri